About birthdays and about age. And some fun moments of my birthday boat party.

About birthdays and about age. And some fun moments of my birthday boat party.

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About birthdays and about age. And some fun moments of my birthday boat party. Image
I have always loved my birthdays. I love being the center of attention for that one day and feeling special. I love birthday wishes, presents, flowers and balloons and fun birthday cards. As far as I can remember, I always wake up happy and excited on the day of my birthday anticipating something magic to happen, almost like

Plated.com - pros and cons of food-delivery startups based on my free trial experience.

Plated.com - pros and cons of food-delivery startups based on my free trial experience.

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Plated.com - pros and cons of food-delivery startups based on my free trial experience. Image
I couldn’t help but notice a number of food-delivery startups being advertised all over the internet lately (it’s been happening for a while, I know, I am slow as usual). Plated, Blue Apron, Hello Fresh – just to name a few. They assemble and deliver meal boxes to customers with all the ingredients and instructions to cook meals

A few thoughts about falling apart and pulling yourself together…and about relationships.

A few thoughts about falling apart and pulling yourself together…and about relationships.

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A few thoughts about falling apart and pulling yourself together…and about relationships.  Image
There are people for whom it is so easy to fall apart, but so difficult to pull it together. I am one of those people. I have always envied the lucky fellows whose confidence is as steady as a rock. On the contrary, my inner confidence and harmony have always been fragile and could easily falter because of

Bonjour, merci, au revoir…or France, I love you! || Day 1 – Metz (one day guide)

Bonjour, merci, au revoir…or France, I love you! || Day 1 – Metz (one day guide)

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Bonjour, merci, au revoir…or France, I love you!   ||  Day 1 – Metz (one day guide) Image
It was early Sunday morning, when my sister and I packed our travel suitcases, arranged things in the car, tuned in to some local radio station, placed Snusmumrik conveniently in the window and began our five days road trip to France. It was rather chilly at 8 am and everything was covered in morning dew. Germersheim, the city

Feel like cooking breakfast this morning? Try something unusual - Russian cottage cheese pancakes! For the curious reader - their authentic name is syrniki.

Feel like cooking breakfast this morning? Try something unusual - Russian cottage cheese pancakes! For the curious reader - their authentic name is syrniki.

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Feel like cooking breakfast this morning? Try something unusual - Russian cottage cheese pancakes! For the curious reader - their authentic name is syrniki.  Image
I have never planned on posting recipes to the blog. First of all, because I am quite an average cook and second, because I did not want to promote any diet, since I follow none and my food choices are rather inconsistent. In other words, the last thing I wanted to do is to position myself as somebody

My Europe Trip – first impressions and a few random thoughts. (Germany-France road trip)

My Europe Trip – first impressions and a few random thoughts. (Germany-France road trip)

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My Europe Trip – first impressions and a few random thoughts. (Germany-France road trip) Image
My vacation is over, but here with me are my memories, emotions, numerous pictures waiting to be organized and retouched, gifts and souvenirs ready to be presented to their new owners and most importantly hopes to transform events and scenes of the journey into stories which could attract and inspire the reader.  As you might remember, this was