Traveling Notes - Europe Road Trip - Luxembourg, Day3

Traveling Notes - Europe Road Trip - Luxembourg, Day3

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Traveling Notes - Europe Road Trip - Luxembourg, Day3 Image
People like me should be born with a magic kick-in-the-butt sibling, which they would apply continuously and profusely simply to accomplish an average human being’s life agenda. You know, like meeting your significant other, building that major social institution called family, acquiring a few babies, a dog and a cat and maybe a fish tank. And then to

Kompot – Delicious Russian Fruit Punch Recipe

Kompot – Delicious Russian Fruit Punch Recipe

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Kompot – Delicious Russian Fruit Punch Recipe Image
When the weather in Miami starts behaving like a moody young lady and no fortuneteller can predict its spasmodic changes, everyone knows it’s That time of the year – it’s fall. We got no yellow foliage here, no swishing falling leaves, no cozy sweaters and scarves – none of that sentimental garnish of fall. We’ve got the cake,

Magic of Fall on Cape Cod

Magic of Fall on Cape Cod

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Magic of Fall on Cape Cod Image
I love photography. I used to be dreaming of incorporating it into what I do for living one day. It didn’t happen thus far but aspirations are still present and I keep on enjoying every decent shot as much as an unskilled amateur can enjoy sudden, spasmodic success. We spent last weekend on Cape Cod – a place

Traveling Notes - Europe Road Trip - Germany, Days 1&2

Traveling Notes - Europe Road Trip - Germany, Days 1&2

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Traveling Notes - Europe Road Trip - Germany, Days 1&2 Image
I should warn the reader that my Europe related posts are simply scattered notes made while on the road and put into chronological order later on. They have little (to none) educational or informative value and might merely provide some sort of entertainment. That being said, let me begin my tales with a few numbers, as lately I’ve

Europe Road Trip 2015 Vignette

Europe Road Trip 2015 Vignette

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Europe Road Trip 2015 Vignette Image
Statistics: Days traveled: 39 Miles traveled: 8750 km (5437 miles) Countries visited: 10 (Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Spain, Monaco, Italy, Switzerland, Lichtenstein) Cities visited: 35 (including small towns, villages) UNESCO World Heritage Sites visited: counting, will sum up at the end of my weekly diaries posts Money spent: $20,000 The story: Our amazing Western Europe road trip

The architecture, the festivals, the humor – Deutschland ist sehr wunderbar! Days 8 & 9 – Frankfurt, Germany

The architecture, the festivals, the humor – Deutschland ist sehr wunderbar! Days 8 & 9 – Frankfurt, Germany

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The architecture, the festivals, the humor – Deutschland ist sehr wunderbar! Days 8 & 9 – Frankfurt, Germany Image
The timing for this post could not be any better. Frankfurt finishes my last year 10-days Europe adventure and coincidentally (ta-da!) is the beginning of this year 6-weeks Europe road trip, which starts…tomorrow! Yes, I could not be more happy and excited than I am right now. I am going through my last year pictures and memories of

Windows Stories - Photography Series - Germany, France

Windows Stories - Photography Series - Germany, France

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Windows Stories - Photography Series - Germany, France Image
A window tells a story... This series gathers pictures of windows and windows details in an attempt to depict different personalities, moods and esthetics of people in Germany and France and their dwellings. Last summer, traveling in Europe, I got obsessed with the variety, creativity, charm and beauty of windows designs and decorations. Here in the States, in

The architecture, the festivals, the humor – Deutschland ist sehr wunderbar! Day 7 – Speyer, Germany

The architecture, the festivals, the humor – Deutschland ist sehr wunderbar! Day 7 – Speyer, Germany

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The architecture, the festivals, the humor – Deutschland ist sehr wunderbar! Day 7 – Speyer, Germany Image
Speyer was an unplanned adventure. We did not have an itinerary to follow; we did not google Speyer’s attractions and points of interest. Well, my sister did visit Speyer before so she had an idea of where to go and what to see, but we ended up exploring the city rather aimlessly anyways. That day in Speyer reassured

"Miami Colors" Photography Series

Superfood Smoothie # 9 - Sea Buckthorn Papaya Smoothie

Superfood Smoothie # 9 - Sea Buckthorn Papaya Smoothie

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Superfood Smoothie # 9 - Sea Buckthorn Papaya Smoothie Image
Back in Russia sea buckthorn was nothing near exotic or rare as it is here in the States. It was actually one of the most common berry bushes being cultivated in gardens or growing in the wild. The sweet and sour, astringent taste of sea buckthorn is an instant nostalgia trigger, which brings back happy childhood memories. Needless

More productive, conscious and mindful way of living challenge

More productive, conscious and mindful way of living challenge

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More productive, conscious and mindful way of living challenge Image
It all started with a growing frustration over my idle habits and a desire to become a better person. To be better tomorrow than I was yesterday, a week ago, or one year ago. “Better” is rather arrogant word but it sort of summarizes all the points I am going to mention further, so I will use it

Superfood Smoothie #8 - Acai Cherry Smoothie

Superfood Smoothie #8 - Acai Cherry Smoothie

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Superfood Smoothie #8 - Acai Cherry Smoothie Image
Acai is by far one of the most hyped superfoods of the moment, which existence “has been kept secret from most of the world for centuries”. The word “secret” is intriguing enough to lure most of us, but then there is a magic phrase “the ultimate superfood” and here we go – crowds of somnambulists are flocking Wholefoods

12 Things to Do on a 2-Day Road Trip to Key West

12 Things to Do on a 2-Day Road Trip to Key West

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12 Things to Do on a 2-Day Road Trip to Key West Image
Key West is my kind of laid-back paradise. Seedy and unpretentious but colorful and warmhearted, this tiny island has never failed to cheer up and entertain me.  Salty-caramelized, hot and malleable with a twist of crazy – this is Key West life in my overly romanticized mind. Key West completes a string of The Florida Keys tropical islands, being

Bookworms: Monthly Readings, April

Bookworms: Monthly Readings, April

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Bookworms: Monthly Readings, April Image
Books I read in April and my humble remarks: Truman Capote "Breakfast at Tiffany's"; Jean-Paul Sartre "Nausea"; George Martin "A Game of Thrones" and "A Clash of kings".

Tea Infused and Fresh Juice Ice Cubes Skin Care

Tea Infused and Fresh Juice Ice Cubes Skin Care

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Tea Infused and Fresh Juice Ice Cubes Skin Care Image
Being a tea addict and always searching for new recipes (especially the ones with outstanding health benefits) suddenly paid off in an unexpected way! I’ve always known that ice cube therapy can do wonders on the skin and it is a very popular skin treatment among women in many cultures (including never aging Korean and Chinese women!J) However,

The architecture, the festivals, the humor – Deutschland ist sehr wunderbar! Day 6 – Germersheim, Germany

The architecture, the festivals, the humor – Deutschland ist sehr wunderbar! Day 6 – Germersheim, Germany

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The architecture, the festivals, the humor – Deutschland ist sehr wunderbar! Day 6 – Germersheim, Germany Image
Sometimes I think cities are just like people. Some of them are world celebrities, known and spoken of by everybody. They shine and sparkle in their glory. They have no secrets left. Crowds of fans (aka tourists) are their inevitable fate and privacy is long forgotten. And then there are simple fellows who live their simple lives. Their

Superfood Smoothie #7 - Soursop Coconut Smoothie

Superfood Smoothie #7 - Soursop Coconut Smoothie

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#7 Soursop Coconut Smoothie Soursop Puree Banana Coconut Milk Coconut Flakes Ice Cubes Superfood – Soursop (fruit with distinct sour sweet taste) Health benefits:

Exploring Miami - Golden Beach Boulder Reef Snorkeling

Exploring Miami - Golden Beach Boulder Reef Snorkeling

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Exploring Miami - Golden Beach Boulder Reef Snorkeling Image
Sometimes I forget I live in Miami. In daily routine I forget that the breathtaking turquoise ocean is just minutes away from my apartment. I forget how great it is to feel the waves with your bare feet, to inhale salty air and to enjoy the touch of hot sand on your skin… Days like yesterday bring so

Superfood Smoothie #6 - Hibiscus Strawberry Smoothie

Superfood Smoothie #6 - Hibiscus Strawberry Smoothie

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Superfood Smoothie #6 - Hibiscus Strawberry Smoothie Image
#6 Hibiscus Strawberry Smoothie Hibiscus tea (1 cup) Strawberries Frozen Banana Pear Almonds (tablespoon) Honey (tea spoon) Superfood – Almonds  Health benefits: Almonds are the most nutritionally dense nuts making them a high protein snack with loads of nutrients! High in protein and fiber and a good source of potassium, calcium, vitamin E, B-vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. Research has

Bookworms: Monthly Readings, March

Bookworms: Monthly Readings, March

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Bookworms: Monthly Readings, March  Image
I would like to devote the new series of posts called BOOKWORMS to BOOKS.  Books, you are exhilarating and intriguing, wise and silly, disheartening and inspiring, touching and revolting, funny and ironic – you are so AWESOME! For the love of books! Amen! J Books I read in March and my humble remarks:

Tea Obsession – Rosehip Tea Recipe

Tea Obsession – Rosehip Tea Recipe

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Tea Obsession – Rosehip Tea Recipe Image
I am adding a new obsession series to the blog – my tea obsession! I’ve been drinking and loving tea for as long as I can remember, but that’s no surprise, really – Russians are fond of tea. That’s a cultural thingJ. Yet, only recently I’ve started collecting different kinds of tea, trying new recipes, researching benefits of