Traveling Notes - Europe Road Trip - Luxembourg, Day3
People like me should be born with a magic kick-in-the-butt sibling, which they would apply continuously and profusely simply to accomplish an average human being’s life agenda. You know, like meeting your significant other, building that major social institution called family, acquiring a few babies, a dog and a cat and maybe a fish tank. And then to nurture all those wonderful things somewhat successfully, by which I mean at the least keeping them fed and alive. At the age of 33 my biggest accomplishment is managing to feed myself and, presumably, my boyfriend, who nonetheless occasionally claims feeling hungry. Why am I sharing this with you? Because today I wrote a post covering the third day of our 6-week Europe road trip. Three months later. Ta-da! Stay with me and in a few years you will know all the juicy details of that thrilling 6-week adventure!