Travelling is my happiness.

Travelling is my happiness.

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Travelling is my happiness. Image
I have just boarded the plane Fort Lauderdale-Frankfurt and I am feeling super excited! I am flying to Germany to visit my sister and to have a road trip to France. Did I mention this would be my first time in Europe? Oh yeah! I am already anticipating all the adventures of the road, the charm of Paris

How about watching sunrise?

How about watching sunrise?

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How about watching sunrise?  Image
I spent the past week or so planning, scheduling and mapping out my upcoming trip to Germany, including a 4-days road trip to France. I've never done this before, being blessed with a boyfriend who is always in charge of our travel plans, and let me tell you – it is no easy task!  Of course, I could

Snorkel, snorkel and again snorkel. Then? Then snorkel some more!

Snorkel, snorkel and again snorkel. Then? Then snorkel some more!

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Snorkel, snorkel and again snorkel. Then? Then snorkel some more! Image
Did I mention that this post is about snorkeling? Duh!  Last weekend we went to Key Largo for our friend’s birthday (you can read about Full Moon Party in Islamorada Here) and decided to kill two birds with one stone – fish and my friend Natalie… Just kidding, of course, the birds would be snorkeling and birthday celebration.

Islamorada Full Moon Party at Florida Keys - an absolute gem!

Islamorada Full Moon Party at Florida Keys - an absolute gem!

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Islamorada Full Moon Party at Florida Keys - an absolute gem! Image
Last Friday there was our friend’s birthday and we decided to experiment and do something different than a usual home party or a restaurant/lounge routine. Getting away for one day to Key Largo (an hour and a half drive from Miami) sounded awesome. We anticipated we would have a great time, but little did we know how much

Having awesome time, while spending almost no money! (or two great evenings for $40)

Having awesome time, while spending almost no money! (or two great evenings for $40)

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Having awesome time, while spending almost no money! (or two great evenings for $40) Image
Life is beautiful, when you live in Miami and the weather is gorgeous all year round. Life is especially beautiful, when the summer semester is over and you have the whole month just for yourself (work doesn’t count if you are a freelancer and work from home at your own convenience, as I do). So, once I stopped



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Hello! Image
My name is Ekaterina (which is Russian, long and impossible to pronounce), but the short version of it is not so bad – Katya. I reside in Miami for 10 years now and I am completely in love with this bold, colorful, international paradise, even though I had hard times getting along with it, being originally from Tomsk