Traveling to Places Less Traveled - Ulm, Germany

Traveling to Places Less Traveled - Ulm, Germany

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Traveling to Places Less Traveled - Ulm, Germany Image
I like visiting small cities that are not "worthy" of tourist pilgrimage. The ones that live their quiet lives, at least on the grand scale, unnoticed by the world, by social media plague. Their landmarks don't chase you in your instagram feed and they still have room for surprise. And yes, maybe you won't encounter anything extraordinary on

Falling in Love with Austria. Salzburg and Hallstatt Photo Diary

Falling in Love with Austria. Salzburg and Hallstatt Photo Diary

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Falling in Love with Austria. Salzburg and Hallstatt Photo Diary Image
Visiting Salzburg and Hallstatt is a perfect weekend getaway! Both places are marvelous yet so different. We spent Saturday in Salzburg and Sunday morning drove to Hallstatt. The road trip was breathtakingly beautiful as well! Austria is so lucky to occupy gorgeous landscapes of endless lakes, rivers and mountains. "Land of mountain, land by the river" - Anthem